Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Project Play, Semester 2, Week 10

Write about your impressions of mashups in your blog. Do you have any creative ideas for something you could create for your library?

I understand the value with maps and other content as the mashup, such as the Winnebago County Barns mashup Keetra did for OPL. I'll have to see more examples of library use with the catalog and book titles to see advantages other than not needing to learn how to do this without mashups - which I guess is the point.

We could easily consider a mashup for Rural Schools of Winn. County for OPL website.

I think a city's website or tourism website would benefit from a mashup showing the existence of sites to visit and locations. Or picture a mashup showing Oshkosh sightings of J. Depp - he ate breakfast here, signed autographs over here, ate lunch over here, etc.

I added the Moran House to Map Builder and if I deleted other Oshkosh sites it was accidental. I can find the Morgan House by doing a word search on Map Builder.

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