Thursday, January 31, 2008

Project Play, Semester 2, Week 1

Instant Messaging or IM
Heard about it years ago and never tried it - so now I have. I know a lot of parents use it with their college children. My 2 nephews hardly ever read their emails but use IM all the time - as the research cited in this week's lesson cofirms.

I set up an AIM Pro account and IM's with Joy. Joy helped with chat acronyms - in rereading the lesson I see the link to chat acronyms as the Fun Extra. I just set up a Meebo account. I will need to get the Meebo on my blog - I've seen the instructions from Joy on how to do this - but they're at the library. An AHA! moment in terms of Lesson 2 where Google Docs would help me so I can see what is on my work PC when using my home PC.

I looked at McMillan's website (Wisconsin Rapids) and see they have IM services, including Meebo. They were online but didn't reply during the few minutes I waited --but I clearly had told them to ignore me if they were busy with customers since I was just checking out IM from Oshkosh Public Library.

I can see how IM would put the Library out there for users to find.

Have I missed someone blogging or IMing about David Lee Kings's use on his catalog. Is that feasible with our catalog?

Tanks to the Project Play Team - Semester 2 is starting out as more fun (or should I say
"educational") than Semester 1.

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