Saturday, November 24, 2007

Favorite Books in 2007

Recent NF book I enjoyed in 2007:

How Starbucks Saved My Life. Michael Gates Gill came from a privileged background and had a successful job - lost his job and was divorced - a coincidental visit to a Starbucks when the co. was hiring led to Gill becoming a barista - he started at the bottom - cleaning bathrooms and the store windows - I'm skeptical about how triumphant he feels in scrubbing toilets and later making change at the register - but I remained interested - not a coffee drinker, I enjoyed learning about what working at Starbucks is like and the company ethic -- yes, Gill's life was saved and he even has a movie deal, with Tom Hanks picked as the lead. Is he still at Starbucks?

What are some of your favorites - what you'd recommend to a friend?


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