Sunday, November 25, 2007

Week 7 LibraryThing - How can a librarian resist?

How can a librarian resist LibraryThing? It was so easy to add books to MyThing and to write tags- I probably wrote too many per book and tried not too mimic LC subject headings too much. And luckily the phone rang so I stopped at 6 books for now.

a. I wasn't able to successfully get my books posted on this blog - but I've asked for help from Joy.
I tried the link on LibrarThing but it asked me to paste in HTML code.
So, you'll have to come back to check out my 6 books.

b. Strengths of Library Thing - easy to sign up for an account. Would be popular with more folks if they knew about it - think how many prolific readers we have who would love to share their favorites and learn about others. I also could see how useful it would be for nonprofits and other organizations who have small libraries. Our local historical society just created a list of their titles. I wasn't involved in the effort to "catalog" their collection. The volunteers did a lot of work but ended up with only a written list of titles and authors.

Although I haven't tried it yet, writing reviews and ranking titles will make this seem more like Amazon to first-timers. I like starred reviews myself.

b. Weaknesses:
I think they should add an Advanced Search that would let people search for author-title combinations, etc. Will people use this and then move on to Amazon and other book-buying sites or decide just to stick to those?

c. Innocent Traitor by A. Weir Unsuggestor suggested Dune Messiah and many titles I've never read or plan to read!


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