Monday, March 24, 2008

Project Play, Semester 2, Week 3 Remember the Milk and JOTT

I did this lesson when it came up as an assignment but enjoyed it so much I must have forgotten to blog about it.
I see Remember the Milk as a fun way to "remember" tasks - to keep track of them, "log" them the minute you think of them (especially with JOTT too) and share tasks. Sometimes sharing an Excel list or list in our shared dept drive gets
tedious - everyone remembering where the list is kept - W drive or T drive, etc.
RTMilk also seems simple - you don't have to agonize over setting up a spreadsheet.
I'd like to try it with our new web team to see if it's an easier way to keep track of who is doing what and when .
I added a new task tonight and gave it a due date. I also called in a new task with JOTT. JOTT worked better this time for me - I'd read the suggestions to speak loudly (not in a soft voice). I kept my task brief and enunciated carefully. I think there are more and more times when you call and get this type of recorded service so it will seem very commonplace. I just called to put my newspaper on hold while I'm away and it was all done by voice-recording. Do you say good-bye to a voice recording?

AFter doing this assignment originally, I created my own RTMilk account to use around the house and it's been working okay for me - better than notes on the refrigerator.

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