Thursday, January 31, 2008

Project Play, Semester 2, Week 2, Google Docs

What an ideal but subtle way for us to experience sharing files and collaborating by having us log into the same account (special Project Play Google account) and add something to Welcome. I also added to the Garden Budget. OUr garden looks very colorful and has furniture and fencing. Can we write an LSTA grant to build the living garden based on our virtual garden plan? I couldn't get into the Slideshow - my computer froze any time I tried.

I think the lesson clearly seplls out ways to use Google Docs - let customers know about Google Docs, use it when we have problems with people trying to save or forget to save -- since our security software wipes out what they have done if they thought they saved but didn't and logged off the PC. To share work with myself between home and work will be of the most benefit. Almost of equal importance will be sharing within the department to draft, revise, etc. on planning documents and procedures.

I understand everything is saved okay but is the information really secure and private?

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