Saturday, March 22, 2008

Project Play, Semester 2, Lesson 8

I know I've jumped past some lessons . . . but I'll go back.
Screencasting: I hadn't ever heard the term so I have increased my vocabulary! I haven't seen that word in my word-a-day dictionary calendar for 2008!

Screencasting would seem like a good tool to use. We just had someone ask for a brochure on how to use our card catalog. Years ago we created and printed a brochure but it was hard to keep up with changes and we didn't see too many people using it or asking for it.

A colleague printed out the Help screen but screencasting would give us another option. I'd be interested in knowing if there is a different reaction to screencasting based on age - that younger folks see this as a natural way to learn - it certainly seemed a bonus for the college sites you sent us to. I remember some QuestionPoint chat questions where college students got into the library website but couldn't figure out how to access databases, etc. I bet screencasts cuts down on those questions.

Back to my wondering about generational attitudes toward screencasting . . . perhaps "older" folks will actually like screencasting too - in a way, it allows a more human touch . . . with video and voice it's like listening to a "real person" help you!

Thanks for teaching us about another new tool. I would like to try it on our website . . . maybe even something simple like showing people how to find the library's event calendar so they know the programs we offer.

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